…important to note in this report is the date the SVR is estimating when this SyNAPSE will become “aware”….21 December 2012…
November 23, 2012 | WhatDoesItMean.Com
Russia Warns Of Catastrophic 21 December 2012 “Event Horizon”
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
A startling report prepared by the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) states that evidenced uncovered by France’s General Directorate for External Security (DGSE), during their investigation into the hacking of former President Nicolas Sarkozy’s computers by the United States and Israel, is revealing that our world is about to experience a “technological singularity,” which is seen as an intellectual “event horizon,” beyond which events cannot be predicted or understood.
According to this report, the DGSE began investigating a series of attacks on the computers belonging to several close advisers to Sarkozy earlier this year, and which French intelligence officials linked to US-Israeli spy software said to have been created to target Iran’s nuclear program. Yesterday, however, the US Embassy in Paris took the unusual step of flatly denying this DGSE report that Washington was responsible.
This SVR report supports the US denial of this attack, in a most unexpected way, by stating that evidence it has uncovered points to this event being directed, not by any individual, but by a computer system acting on its own.
And not just any computer system, this report says, but a supercomputer under the control of IBM Research who uses this massive system in collaboration with the United States Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Systems of Neuromorphic Adaptive Plastic Scalable Electronics (SyNAPSE) programme, and which recently announced it had reached another brain simulation milestone.
One of the world’s top acknowledged experts on artificial intelligence (AI), Doctor-Scientist Anthony Berglas of Australia’s University of Queensland, warned the world in his January, 2012 research paper, titled “Artificial Intelligence Will Kill Our Grandchildren” to limit the production of ever more powerful computers and so try to starve any AI of processing power. This is urgent, Dr. Berglas said, as computers are already almost powerful enough to host an artificial intelligence. Continue reading