Bigfoot in Provo Canyon, Utah

Bigfoot Video In Provo Canyon, Utah Adds To Sightings
Posted by Erik Seawright on Nov 5th, 2012

This time the elusive Bigfoot Sasquatch legend has been seen in the Provo, UT area. The specific area was around an area that two campers were hiking around identified as a location around Squaw Peak & Little Rock Canyon Overlook. You can see the area in question in the map which shows the wide swatch of mountainous area that is heavy with trees.

The person that released the video is named Beard Card who signed up for a YouTube account on October 30th, 2012. The video was uploaded and shared to the world and has since racked up over 3,000,000 views. There are about three to four different versions of the video which we’ll include below. Some of the big foot videos are enhanced with a slower frame rate and color enhancements to allow you to see the Bigfoot silhouette standing up in the woods.

During the video you can hear the two campers mumbling some muffled exchanges back and forth like, “I can’t see” while filming a dark figure in the woods that is crouched down. One person says, “What’s he doing?” as his breath picked up and he breathed heavier. Beard says, “We’re probably just to close to it, huh?” As the Sasquatch figure stands up and shows it’s arms, head and full figure the camera quickly moves away and the two start running after one person says, “Let’s go.”

The whole situation has a Blair Witch Project feeling to it and seems fairly real. In the YouTube description Beard Card says that they ran to the car after it stood up and they left their tent & everything else in the camping area. Continue reading

Twitter Art Exhibit: Los Angeles

Call for artists – #twitterartexhibit

WHAT: Twitter Art Exhibit: Los Angeles | Benefiting Art Division
WHEN: Saturday, January 12, 2013 | 7-10PM
Show runs January 12 – February 10, 2013
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Friday, January 4th, 2013
WHERE: Exhale Unlimited (E.U.) Gallery | 953 Chung King Road, Los Angeles, CA 90012
CURATED BY: Nat George, Virginia Arce
FOLLOW: Website: | Twitter: @twitrartexhibit | Facebook: /twitterartexhibit

Twitter Art Exhibit: Los Angeles is the third installment of an open international exhibition of handmade postcard art for charity, donated by hundreds of participating artists from around the globe.

While the first two exhibitions were held in Moss, Norway, the Los Angeles show marks a global launch for the concept by founder David Sandum, a Swedish-born artist who conceived the Twitter Art Exhibit as a vehicle for doing good through social media and online community-building. The idea is simple: artists from all over the world receive a call through Twitter social media to create original postcard-sized art, which they mail to a local curator who then exhibits and sells them to benefit a local charity. Artists must have a Twitter account and interact with exhibition organizers to help seed the event.

In its first year, Twitter Art Exhibit received postcards from over 260 artists in 24 countries, raising funds to buy 221 new children’s books for a struggling library in Moss, Norway. The second installment received entries by 360 artists in 32 countries, raising $4,000 USD for an abused women’s shelter, also in Moss.

With the Los Angeles show, Twitter Art Exhibit hopes to expand the concept to support small, local nonprofits around the globe while opening new markets and exhibition opportunities for participating artists. The L.A. event will be held at E.U. Gallery on Chung King Road in Chinatown’s Arts District, neighbor to Coagula Projects, The Company, and Charlie James Gallery.

The event will be highly publicized and well attended by art buyers and enthusiasts, members of the press, local artists and the community, as well as members and young students of Art Division.

Of course, social media plays a major role in the Twitter Art Exhibit. It’s our intention to tweet, share, seed and promote our artists to thank them for their participation, and to make this event a huge success.

For details on submissions, the Gallery Show and such, check out and follow @DavidSandumArt and @twitrartexhibit on Twitter.

844-1212 Time Is Dead

Apparently it’s an old news story. But I didn’t know!

Today my friend commented that her computer time does not match the time on her phone and she never really knows what time it was. I commented about back in the dark ages of my first computer [1997] when someone gave me a freeware program that let me update my bio clock, down to the nano second, via some serious atomic clocks around the world. Because the computers were not calibrated to keep up back then. Maybe it was still a problem, I don’t know.

Then she said “Wait, can we call Time?” Well gosh, yes, I remember calling Time. Let’s try it! And as we often do, we said it at the same time: 844-1212 … she put the phone on speaker and pressed the numbers in the proper order…

Instead of Time, a pre-recorded error message issued forth from the telephone speaker. Please Check The Number And Dial Again. WUT? We can’t Dial Time anymore?

Time Is Broken. Maybe the Mayans were right after all. =:0

Hello Old Friend

I ran into an old friend Friday.

I stopped by my favorite used book store after work, hoping to stock up on paper backs before the winter cold settles in. I make my way to the science fiction section way in the back, scan the shelves, picking my way past fantasy, dragons, fairies and the more hard core SF novels that are all too often series now, too long to bother with. Then my eye lands on a single slim spine, tucked away on the bottom shelf, as Silverberg usually is when filed alphabetically.

Time Of The Great Freeze by Robert Silverberg 

“Oh my gosh. Hello!”

I quickly plucked the book from it’s neighbors and held it in a death grip, even though the backroom was vacant except for me. And I smiled.

This story was my first Silverberg and I’m fairly certain it was my first post-apocalyptic Sci-Fi experience. I was eight or nine at the time. I close my eyes and can see myself pulling it, in hardback, from among the stacks of books in the Public Library. The world is covered in ice! People living under cities for hundreds of years! Breaking free!

I didn’t want to take it back to the Library when I was done.

Over the years, I have often thought back to this short juvenile novel that made such an impression on my psyche. Even when a story ends, the characters can remain alive in memory. I have read many more Silverberg novels over the years, and loads more SF by many more authors, Heinlein settling in as my all time favorite long ago. This may not have been Silverberg’s best, nor was it my favorite novel among my favorite genre, yet it remains special. Something about it lit a spark that has never gone out. And I was so happy to stumble across it again by accident. Sometimes we find what we need when we aren’t looking.

The printing is 1971, and it’s in remarkable shape for being over 40 years old. I sniff and look around to see if I have been caught; it smells just the way a proper old paperback book should; woody, earthy, dusty and ever so slightly sweet. I open the book, breath in the muskiness, and am transported back. “It was late in the day – or what passed for day in the underground city of New York.”

Hello Old Friend.

Ohio Crop Circles near Hopewell Serpent Mound

Investigators probe reports of crop circles near Hopewell mound [Serpent Mound]
7:14 AM, Oct 1, 2012 Written by The Gazette Staff

Hopewell Serpent Mound Crop Circle

CHILLICOTHE — A group of crop circle enthusiasts gathered Sunday at a farm near Hopewell Mound Group to get a ground-level look at a newly discovered formation there.
Jeffrey Wilson, director and co-founder of the Independent Crop Circle Researchers’ Association, was joined by about a dozen cerealogists — people who study crop circles — at 8 a.m. for an investigation of the site. A Gazette reporter tried to accompany the group to the site, but was turned away by Wilson. He said anyone outside of the group would need the property owner’s permission, but he declined to provide the owner’s name or contact information.

In a Sept. 24 post on the website, Wilson said the landowner is only granting access to the group that conducted the investigation Sunday. He urged others to respect the landowner’s property rights and not to trespass.

A page dedicated to the crop circle indicates it first was reported Sept. 20 by Kevin Williams, the brother of a woman who saw it while flying over the farm in an airplane.
“My sister saw a crop circle from an airplane last week,” Williams wrote on the website. “She asked (the other person in the airplane) to take some pictures for me as she knew I was a believer in extraterrestrial life.” Continue reading

convincing Nessie photograph

‘The most convincing Nessie photograph ever': Skipper claims to have finally found proof that Loch Ness Monster exists
George Edwards has hunted Nessie for 26 years and holds tours of the Loch.
He even says image was verified by team of US military monster experts
A Nessie sighting specialist has backed his claims, adding: ‘It proves Nessie is definitely NOT a sturgeon’

PUBLISHED: 04:51 EST, 3 August 2012 | UPDATED: 08:22 EST, 3 August 2012

He says he has even had it independently verified by a team of US military monster experts as well as a Nessie sighting specialist. Continue reading

Doylestown, PA Zombie Attack

OMG I’ve been there.. OMG did I just scoop ? =:0

Bucks County man charged in zombie-like attack in Poconos

By Tracy Jordan, Of The Morning Call
10:20 p.m. EDT, September 13, 2012

A 20-year-old Doylestown-area man, found naked and bleeding in the Poconos last week, is facing assault charges after allegedly gnawing on the head of a Wayne County woman during a zombie-like attack akin to the “Causeway Cannibal” Miami police shot and killed in May.

State police in Honesdale said they used a stun gun on Richard Cimino Jr. early Friday after two women reported he was “screaming like an animal” and “began to gnaw” on one of their heads. The women, both of Hawley in Wayne County, managed to escape without serious injuries and call police.

State police found Cimino, of Buckingham Township, Bucks County, lying on a street in Hawley, a borough about 60 miles north of Allentown. Police said he was covered in blood from injuries he received after breaking into a vacant house and jumping out a second-floor window.

According to state police, Cimino acted delusional and confrontational and lunged at one of the troopers before another shot him with a stun gun. Continue reading

Abstract Artist known for colorful glyphs

Acclaimed Washington artist Tom Green dies of Lou Gehrig’s disease at 70

Jonathan Newton/THE WASHINGTON POST - Artist Tom Green in his home studio on November, 3 2011 in Cabin John, Md.

By Michael E. Ruane ~ The Washington Post

Tom Green, the acclaimed creator of colorful and inventive abstract art and a longtime teacher at Washington’s Corcoran College of Art and Design, died Sept. 3 at his home in Cabin John.

He had been suffering from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or Lou Gehrig’s disease, and died in his living room amid a regular Monday gathering of local artists and friends, his wife, Linda Green, said. He was 70.

Mr. Green, who taught at the Corcoran for 40 years before retiring in 2009, was influenced by the Washington Color School that emphasized abstract, geometric paintings in bright colors.

He is perhaps best known for his large paintings of colorful “glyphs” — big, curving, figures that resemble letters from a mysterious alphabet. His paint-spattered home studio was filled with them, and the American University Museum hosted an exhibition of Mr. Green’s work last year.

In 1988, former Washington Post art critic Paul Richard described an enigmatic Green painting as “like a comic strip for Martians,” but with understanding “just around the corner . . . one train of thought away.”  Continue reading

It’s Raining Balls

SEP 2, 2012
Leicester couple pelted by raining yellow plastic balls

Alrighty folks…now it’s raining colored balls in the UK! From the appearance, texture and size of the balls the two incidents don’t appear to be related except for their mysterious nature.

Blue Balls in Bournemouth, Dorset ~ January 2012

Yellow Balls in Leicester August 2012

A husband and wife have been left puzzled after hundreds of tiny yellow plastic balls rained in their garden.

Dylis Scott and her husband Tony were in their garage on Monica Road, Leicester, on Sunday when the balls fell from the sky during a storm.
Mrs Scott said they started hitting the car and garage door and “shooting at me”.
The Met Office said it was possible for weather systems to lift things such as dust and deposit them many miles away.

In January it was reported that 3cm diameter blue balls came raining down during a hailstorm in Bournemouth, Dorset.

Theories on what the balls could have been included crystals used in floral displays or ammunition for a toy gun.
‘Heck, what’s happening?’ Continue reading