Author Archives: The Art Of Vikki
Winter Storm Khan
Bigfoot – Plural?
I like the tv program “Finding Bigfoot” on Animal Planet. It’s a little bit silly with a dash of fun and historical footage.
Aside from the fun, I have a beef with the show that is slowly driving me batty; the improper use of Bigfoots as the plural. It’s just wrong.
There are some animals that use an S on the end to indicate a group plural: dolphins, cats, dogs, horses, humans, birds. Then there are species that have a whole new word to indicate more than one; mouse turns into mice, pony into ponies, fly as flies, goose becomes geese. Etc.
And then there are the singular animals that do not morph as more enter to form a group; Deer are not deers, they are deer. Elk shun the S and remain elk. Moose are not mooses, it’s a herd of moose. And if one sees a group of starfish, one did not see starfishes, they saw many starfish.
This last group is where Bigfoot belongs, in my own humble opinion. No Bigfoots, nor Bigfeet. Just Bigfoot, singular or plural.
Just wanted to get that off my chest. Sasquatch on.
Kansas militia expects zombies
Kansas militia expects zombies, and it’s dead serious
BY KAREN DILLON | The Kansas City Star
It’s got to be one of the coolest names ever for a group:
The Kansas Anti Zombie Militia.
But the group is real and its members are pretty serious about it.
Once the Zombie Apocalypse hits, they’ll be ready for it and they want you to be too.
“Can a natural person change into this monster that many fear?” Alfredo Carbajal, the militia’s main spokesman, said in an interview. “The possibilities are yes, it can happen. We have seen incidents that are very close to it, and we are thinking it is more possible than people think.”
Carbajal and other true believers aren’t so much scared of movie zombies. The apocalypse they see coming is a pandemic spread by a virus that creates zombie-like symptoms.
Last month, the Discovery Channel featured the Kansas militia in a documentary that concluded that such a Zombie Apocalypse — or Zompoc — was possible. The program featured scientists who speculated some evolving virus is bound to jump to humans on our overcrowded planet. Continue reading
New Art in Zazzle Store For 2013
New Art in the Zazzle Store for 2013… I’ve been busy.
Lots of fun stuff available on the art of vikki zazzle store
Christmas UFO 2012
Seriously, I had the urge to Google “Christmas UFO” tonight, not expecting to find anything… boy was I wrong.
UFO Seen Near International Space Station, Live Cam Feed, Dec 25, 2012.
Date of sighting: December 25, 2012
Location of sighting: Earths Orbit on International Space Station (ISS)
This recently seen UFO was caught on live NASA cam today. It’s seen and then suddenly disappears. If you want to try to catch a UFO yourself all you need is a screen recorder and go the the link below. If you watch the cam, you will see one. SCW
Posted by ScottCWaring | Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Jim Kane at had this to say:
Christmas UFO at International Space Station
December 26, 2012 11:25 AM EST
A UFO was caught on a NASA live stream, at the International Space Station on Christmas Day. You always get clear and crisp footage from the ISS cam, and this time was no different.
In the approximately five-minute video, you can see an anomalous white orb lurking in the background. It hovers in one place, and then gradually vanishes, appearing to travel away from the station. What is it? If it’s some form of spacecraft, why is it visiting on Christmas? The object is tiny, hence a detailed description is impossible. Continue reading
Astrum Vita Postcard for the #twitterartexhibit
It is done. I have scanned it twice and taken three photographs, but I can’t seem to capture the subtle sheen as the light hits the paint nor how it looks to my eye. Which is a perfect excuse to not mail it yet… I refuse to give in to any more artistic excuses! It’s going off in tomorrow’s mail to the Exhale Unlimited Gallery, gosh durn it!

Astrum Vita Paullus | Acrylic on paper | #twitterartexhibit Los Angeles
The blues are deeper, the purples shine more and the oranges… oh maybe you will just need to see it in person.
See ya’ll in LA
Well, not actually *in* LA… but I’ll try to stay up late enough to attend the opening via Twitter…
Exhale Unlimited Gallery
Art Division
David Sandum
Chicago Thanksgiving Day Bus Zombie
Nov 24, 2012: Chicago is not without it’s fair share of strange attacks.
On Thanksgiving, an enraged man was aboard the California bus on Chicago’s south side. He was intoxicated, and taking off his clothes as he beat and assaulted several passengers, including the bus driver.
The first officer on the scene was an evidence technician. He approached the bus as the assailant, Ismael Jamison, 28, began to attack the officer. The officer shot the crazed attacker, who then stumbled backward.
He regained his footing and again approached the officer, who quickly shot again.
When more officers and medics arrived on the scene, Jamison needed to be tasered to be subdued enough to be placed in the ambulance.
Shot twice, naked, tasered, and randomly attacking civilians and officers. Highly suspicious behavior. Bath salts? Wasted on booze? Or perhaps something more potent, perhaps he was rabid.
Zombie attacks don’t always come from the undead. Keep your eyes and ears sharp, and if you see something, say something.
Source: CBS Local Chicago
Rochester Hills, MI
NOV 28 2012
“My friends saw a zombie standing in their driveway and they don’t usually kid around about stuff like that.” 2012 and the Zombie Apocalypse
NOV 26 2007
Terminator Redux – Rise Of The Machines?
…important to note in this report is the date the SVR is estimating when this SyNAPSE will become “aware”….21 December 2012…
November 23, 2012 | WhatDoesItMean.Com
Russia Warns Of Catastrophic 21 December 2012 “Event Horizon”
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
A startling report prepared by the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) states that evidenced uncovered by France’s General Directorate for External Security (DGSE), during their investigation into the hacking of former President Nicolas Sarkozy’s computers by the United States and Israel, is revealing that our world is about to experience a “technological singularity,” which is seen as an intellectual “event horizon,” beyond which events cannot be predicted or understood.
According to this report, the DGSE began investigating a series of attacks on the computers belonging to several close advisers to Sarkozy earlier this year, and which French intelligence officials linked to US-Israeli spy software said to have been created to target Iran’s nuclear program. Yesterday, however, the US Embassy in Paris took the unusual step of flatly denying this DGSE report that Washington was responsible.
This SVR report supports the US denial of this attack, in a most unexpected way, by stating that evidence it has uncovered points to this event being directed, not by any individual, but by a computer system acting on its own.
And not just any computer system, this report says, but a supercomputer under the control of IBM Research who uses this massive system in collaboration with the United States Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Systems of Neuromorphic Adaptive Plastic Scalable Electronics (SyNAPSE) programme, and which recently announced it had reached another brain simulation milestone.
One of the world’s top acknowledged experts on artificial intelligence (AI), Doctor-Scientist Anthony Berglas of Australia’s University of Queensland, warned the world in his January, 2012 research paper, titled “Artificial Intelligence Will Kill Our Grandchildren” to limit the production of ever more powerful computers and so try to starve any AI of processing power. This is urgent, Dr. Berglas said, as computers are already almost powerful enough to host an artificial intelligence. Continue reading
#twitterartexhibit postcard in progress
This is my postcard in progress as my entry for the Third Twitter Art Exhibit.
I woke up very excited this morning! Couldn’t wait to get back to it.
I am not used to painting in such a small scale. When working with my preferred medium, acrylic paint, my favorite canvas size is 16″ x 20″ or 11″ x 14″. Sizing down to 6 inches by 4 1/2 is a learning experience.
Oddly enough, I am enjoying this scaled down paper canvas with my tiny brush. Which just goes to prove that moving out of one’s comfort level can often be a moment to embrace.
I so desperately want this to be good. So it will sell. But not for me. This one is to help someone else. All money raised during the exhibition will go to Art Division, a nonprofit (501)(c)3 organization dedicated to training and supporting underserved youth (18-25) in L.A.’s Rampart District. I want this little postcard to be good enough to raise money to fund Art Division. I NEED this little postcard to grab someone’s heart so together we can perhaps heal a young artist’s soul.
If you haven’t heard about The Twitter Art Exhibit yet, check out the official website Art+Talk Interview with #TwitterArtExhibit founder David Sandum