Buckle Street Crop Circle May 26, 2014 United Kingdom

Buckle Street, nr Pedworth, Worcestershire, United Kingdom. Reported 26th May.

During our walk yesterday we spotted what looked like a crop circle, a few miles south of Bidford on Avon in Worcestershire. It was in a field of barley south of Bidford Gliding Club on Buckle Street. Four gliders were circling above it at the time. I have not been into it but it looked like more than wind damage. I have sent you two pictures.

Alice Welsby

Report and photographs courtesy www.cropcircleconnector.com

Into The Night

The world is a weird and wonderful place. And thanks to the internet, we are no longer restricted to writing bad poetry while sipping wine and listening to vinyl records. Instead, we can blog something and post it Into The Night…

My Friend, I think about you often. I miss you. Things went awkward but there was no fault on either side. Sometimes people just shift and sway, move away, become someone else. We grow, we change. It happens.

I wonder how you are, I hear things that may or may not be true. I don’t pay too much attention since it might not even pertain to you. I hope you are well, but if you are not, I wish only good things for you and a change to the plot.

So if you ever read this My Friend, tomorrow or next year, I hope you know that despite the ending, I wish you nothing but good cheer.

The world is a weird and wonderful place… and I thank it for letting me know you for a short while. Be well My Friend. Be well and try to smile.

and so, I send this… Into The Night


Easter Themed Birthday Party

Easter Themed Birthday Party

Hippity Hoppity! If your Birthday is in the Spring, an Easter Themed Birthday Party can be fun for young and old. Have an Easter Egg Hunt, an egg decorating contest, Easter Basket cupcakes with jelly bean decorations and a rolled fruit leather handle, and Easter themed party favor gifts and games like… pin the tail on the bunny!

Easter is just around the corner. These colorful custom creations available from Zazzle will help you get started planning an Easter Themed Birthday Party for someone special. All Easter Birthday products are available in all three Bunny colors of blue, pink and green.

#TwitterArtExhibit 2014 Orlando, FL

My postcard for the 2014 #TwitterArtExhibit

Twitter Art Exhibit: Orlando
Benefiting The Center for Contemporary Dance, Special Needs Classes
Thursday, March 20, 2014 | 6-9PM
Show runs March 20 – April 11, 2014
CityArts Factory, Magic Gallery | Orlando, Florida, USA
Robin Maria Pedrero

“Through art we can change the world.”
We help charities and nonprofits with postcard-sized, handmade original artwork.
Make sure to follow the #Twitterartexhibit hashtag for updates!




The Europa Clipper

Europa Clipper: Water Geysers On Jupiter Moon May Boost Support For Life-Hunting Mission
Space.com | By Mike Wall
Posted: 12/16/2013 9:09 am EST
SAN FRANCISCO — The apparent discovery of water geysers on Jupiter’s moon Europa makes the icy body an even more attractive target for a life-hunting mission, researchers say.

Scientists announced Thursday (Dec. 12) that they had detected transient plumes of water vapor erupting from Europa’s south pole and extending about 125 miles (200 kilometers) into space. The ice-covered moon is thought to contain a subsurface ocean of liquid water, and the geysers represent a way to sample this potentially life-supporting environment, NASA officials said.

“Indeed, the plumes are incredibly exciting, if they are there,” Jim Green, head of NASA’s planetary science division, said here Thursday at the at the annual meeting of the American Geophysical Union. “They’re bringing up material from within the ocean; perhaps there’s organic material that will be laying on the surface of the south pole.” [Photos: Europa, Mysterious Icy Moon of Jupiter]

The new find, made using observations by NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope, could build some momentum for a mission concept the space agency is developing called the Europa Clipper.

The Europa Clipper probe would orbit Jupiter but make multiple flybys of the 1,900-mile-wide (3,000 kilometers) moon, using a number of different science instruments to study Europa’s ice shell and subsurface ocean. The strategy would be similar to that employed by NASA’s Cassini mission, which has made flybys of many Saturn moons since entering into orbit around the ringed planet in 2004.

“What we have been doing is studying several approaches to really understand Europa from a spacecraft in that environment, and it looks like the Clipper concept is our best one,” Green said. Continue reading

2013: A Big Year For Bigfoot

2013: A Big Year For Bigfoot
By Lee Speigel | The Huffingtonpost
Posted: 12/27/2013 8:17 am EST

It’s known by many names: Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Yeti, Abominable Snowman, to name a few. And it reportedly lives in extremely remote areas of North America and other countries. But just because a countless numbers of people say they’ve seen the great hairy beast doesn’t mean it’s real.

The Bigfoot controversy reared its head (or feet) many times in 2013. The debate surrounding alleged Bigfoot DNA continued from 2012; numerous videos and still images emerged of reported Bigfoots (or is that Bigfeet? We’ve never really figured that out.); a Texas press conference presented a group of Bigfoot researchers who claimed to show real, never-before-seen high quality videos of the legendary tall, hairy creature; there was also a series of “clear” photos showing two Bigfoot in Pennsylvania.

HuffPost even sent intrepid reporter Andy Campbell overnight into a remote area of New Jersey where he joined members of Animal Planet’s “Finding Bigfoot” TV series, hunting their quarry in The Garden State.

And as 2014 begins, Bigfoot gets off with a running start. On Jan. 10, “10 Million Dollar Bigfoot Bounty” premieres on Spike TV. Over the course of eight weeks, nine teams of two people each will be unleashed into the Pacific Northwest to attempt to find irrefutable evidence of the existence of Bigfoot — as they all compete for a $10 million prize. Hosting the new series and keeping track of the Bigfoot trackers is former television Superman Dean Cain. The woods will never be the same again.

Here’s our look back at the year in Bigfoot…
To see the photos and stories of Bigfoot 2013 in review go to www.huffingtonpost.com

Bigfoot In A Bigfoot

Comet ISON weirdness continues…?

I KNEW there was something creepy about Comet ISON… I saw some strange stuff on the “official” video’s after ISON’s encounter with the sun on Thanksgiving Day. But it only gets weirder…

Swarm Of Space Bodies Following Comet ISON And The Ongoing NASA Cover-Up (Video)
Saturday, November 30, 2013 13:41
(Before It’s News)
By Susan Duclos

Videographer Daniel Briskin delves into the appearance of NASA doctoring data on the SDO website to hide what was happening with Comet ISON as it approached perihelion, when they froze the frames so those watching were not getting live shots.

Briskin also highlights what looks like a swarm of space objects coming up behind ISON. What are they? Are they the reason NASA froze the image and is NASA still covering up information and is that why their stories keep contradicting themselves and the new images coming out?

Note around the 2:40 mark that large mass that no one has explained yet. What IS that?
As always, watch, listen and determine for yourself if you agree with Daniel.
Part 1
Part 2

News post courtesy of beforeitsnews.com

Souls – Halloween Full Moon Painting 2001

From the archives…

"Souls" ~ October 31, 2001

"Souls" ~ Acrylic Painting On Canvas ~ October 31, 2001

Halloween Full Moon 2001. This was the first painting I did after September 11th, and while the night sky was breathtaking that evening, the artwork turned out as stiff, awkward and lifeless as I felt at the time.

There were so many souls still in the air that night…

Giant UFO or Comet Ison or Nibiru or 2012 a year late?

August 20, 2013
Giant UFO Heading To Earths Sun Disguised As Comet. Gets Here On Nov 28, 2013!!! [courtesy ufosightingsdaily.com]

Date of UFO Discovery: August 2013
Location of UFO Discovery: Heading toward Earth Sun!
Source: http://hla.stsci.edu/cgi-bin/

Look at how a simple view of the Comet Ison is seen and yet when darkened its true nature shines through. Its really a giant alien ship that flys past our sun. This is comet C/2012 S1 o Ison, which NASA is trying to misrepresent as a comet.

It seems that since the suns magnetic field is going to flip or reverse and this mothership is approaching our sun, it would be safe to assume the UFO either is going to cause the flip or wants to harvest some kind of magnetic energy when it happens.

C/2012 S1 will come to perihelion (closest approach to the Sun) on 28 November 2013 at a distance of 0.012 AU (1,800,000 km; 1,100,000 mi) from the center point of the Sun. SCW

Posted by ScottCWaring at Tuesday, August 20, 2013

[View full blog post and video at ufosightingsdaily.com]

New Mars Face in NASA Photos July 28, 2013

Mars Face Discovered In NASA Photos, July 28, 2013, UFO Sighting News.
Posted by ScottCWaring at Monday, July 29, 2013

Date of sighting: July 28, 2013
Location of sighting: Mars Surface
NASA photo: http://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/jpeg/PIA17081.jpg

This is a highly detailed face of a species of alien whose face resembles half sheep and half human. Look carefully and you will see the upper and lower lips, chin, jaw, cheeks, eye, nose, nostrils, and long flowing hair.

Last year I found a similar sheep-human face on Mars, look at photo below to compare.

For some reason its a difficult thing for people accept when they first see them, but understand this is not my first but just another face of thousands I have found and only published about 60 of them to date because only the higher detail ones can withstand the skeptics reviews.

You will never hear NASA even consider such a face exists, not even acknowledging the face at Cydonia, but instead when they went back to take a photo of it…the new photo was blurry and had been smoothed out with photo shop programs. The Cydonia photo taken 10 years earlier was high detail and easy to make out its features. NASA has an agenda…to hide alien life until the point that the United States Military has gotten the weapons from the aliens that they want…which by the way the aliens wont give them. LOL, so its up to us, the people to crack NASA wide open. Check out the video I made today below. SCW

Video, more photos and full story: UFO Sightings Daily

Courtesy ufosightingsdaily.com