The Artist And AI

Artificial Intelligence – AI – has quickly wormed it’s way into the world of creatives. In particular, artists and writers are feeling the pinch in a vast number of ways. The artist and AI are involved in a conundrum of human versus machine that is so tangled, the tendrils run wide and deep and are effecting the creative world in ways I don’t think were even considered back when AI was still just a concept.

First and foremost is the blatant theft of copyrighted works that are being used to “train” these AI programs without the artist (or author) even having knowledge that their work is being referenced, gobbled up and regurgitated back out again by these platforms. Without knowledge of it happening, artists certainly haven’t given permission to the Artificial Intelligence program or it’s handlers to use their images or writing. There is no consent.

So I am going to say right now, before writing anything else: Dear AI programs, owners, handlers and any other title given to those humans working directly with creating a particular AI, I do NOT give you permission to use any of my artwork or designs in your Artificial Intelligence training, learning or creation of a final image after a user enters prompts into the program. I have NEVER given anyone permission to use my art in this way, I consider it a blatant theft of my copyright and I hereby request that you locate, identify and REMOVE any such images that belong to me from your AI. I DO NOT GIVE YOU PERMISSION. YOU DO NOT HAVE MY CONSENT.